
I Don't Get It

I really don't get the Maytag spot that's running right now. I can't find it on youtube, but during the commercial, a bunch of ppl are standing in line waiting to vote.

They're angry because there's obviously a hold up. Suddenly, the Maytag repairman emerges from the voting booth and has fixed the problem, a jammed lever. Two seconds later, he says "Here's your problem," and presented a bunch of raggedy ballots.

Meanwhile, the would-be voters are looking on. One even says, "The Maytag man?" with discernible confusion in his voice.

And I'm experiencing the same confusion. What is this commercial saying? The Maytag man is so skilled that he could even fix a voting machine? Maytag washers and dryers are so great that the Maytag man doesn't need to work on them?

The Maytag man says, "Gotta go. Busy day."

Busy day doing what? Fixing voting machines? Fixing washers and dryers? Starring in poorly executed commercials?

The concept is crazy for no reason I can surmise, I can't understand the sloppy copy, and I feel like I waste 30 seconds every time I see this.



Gurn said...

I gotta say, I love this commercial. It's less about the maytag man, and more about elections and voting machine fears. And using the well defined identity of the maytag man to poke fun at it.

I _LOVE_ the way he hands all the paper punchcards back to the guy with that great relief of, it's not my problem bud, thank god.

It's hilarious.

Anonymous said...

This has been the theme for the last several commercials with the new actor playing the Maytag repairman. He's fixing other things since presumably Maytags never need repair (audible snort here). I didn't notice until my dad (who works in media) pointed out, but there are first about 10 people in line and then just 3 or 4 who were given lines. I totally agree with you - stupid commercial, stupid and trite dialogue, and the "busy day" line is perceived as totally contradictory to the campaign. And for God sakes, give that guy a Prozac.

Anonymous said...

I must agree that this truly is a very poor commercial. So I would not buy any Maytag if the guy is so busy he must run. Whoever writes these commercials needs to be let go. It would have been better if he said, I had nothing better to do today. Duh!