
Lost in Music

So, I'm lost in my music, right now. I like to get that way most of the time. Helps me focus -- which is good when you're at work, right?

Some things I'm listening to right now:

Modern Guilt, Beck
Fave Tracks: Youthless, Volcano
I can't wait to go see Beck and MGMT when I get back to school. I have a feeling it's going to be extremely awesome. I've always found something I liked in every Beck album, song, verse, whatever. I have a friend who always says that "his voice sucks," but it's never been about his voice, really. Is it ever really about the voice, anyway, today? Throw a fucking digitizer over it and you can be a millionaire artist. *cough*t-pain*cough*

Heart It Races, Architecture in Helsinki
I just recently discovered this 2007 track. There's something very infectious and catchy about it. It sticks with me for a long time after I play it.

The Bedlam in Goliath, The Mars Volta
The Mars Volta is always an experience. I recall when I fell in love with their music. It was a few years ago when I had a bit of writer's block. I listened to them for hours and it went away. I just recently got this album which has been out for a while.

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