
"Holy shit, I got to live through that"

Got this post idea from Shaun (or his friend, Maya, rather) at Prostituted Thoughts.

Basically, I'm listing the things that I'm grateful that I got to live through/experience.

1. Daria - Probably the best MTV show ever. Daria (as a show) was so funny, so culturally aware, and very deep for a cartoon. I can still watch Daria and tear my sides in laughter. The characters are classic, the jokes are timeless, and I'm glad I lived through its 5 year run.

2. 9-11 - Obviously it's a major part of history. It's already being written about in history books (so that proves it!). I remember exactly what happened that day. I was in 7th grade, doing some assignment a substitute teacher had given as a busy work. There were whispers in the classroom that "something happened in New York." The substitute teacher knew exactly what had happened (not just in NY) but wouldn't tell us anything. Soon, there was a storm of kids leaving with their parents -- a group which I was among. My mom took me home and I watched the TV in horror and fear. It's grim, but that was a life-changing moment.

3. 2000, 2004, 2008 Elections - Each election for the past 8 years has been memorable for me. In 2000, I'd done a research project (for my 6th grade class) about Gore and Bush. Then, came the recounts and all that fun bullshit. In 2004, I remember sitting in my 10th grade English class, watching a newscast and feeling so doomed when Bush was re-elected. The 2008 Election has been nothing short of epic. I mean, it seems like there's been campaigning for 3 years. Obama is making history. And this will be the first year that I can vote!

4. The Era of Changing Media - Yeah, I just invented that name. Basically, I'm talking about everything from the digitization of our lives to the rise of reality television to the fall of the newspaper to the rise of the blogger. Yeah, we're in the early stages of this era, but it's going to be interesting on the forefront.


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